Peanut Butter Apples

Easy healthy snack: Peanut butter & apples


1 apple
2 tbsp peanut butter


Wash apple
cut apple into wedges
spread peanut butter and enjoy

Nutrition Facts:

Calories: 270
Carbs: 29g
Fat: 16g
Protein: 7g
Sodium: 130g
Sugar: 20 g


Baked Apple in a Bag

Oh yeah!!! Baked Apple in a ziplock bag and baked in the MICROWAVE!!!!! Thank you Pinterest for the awesome idea. What you need?
1 apple (peeled or not) cut into wedges
1 T brown sugar
1 T water
1/4 tsp cinnamon 
1/4 tsp corn starch
Put everything in the ziplock bag, shake well and.....
microwave for 2 minutes
I had them on top of ice-cream but today I just ate them plain like that and ummmmm

Baked Apple - Baked Apple

Calories107Sodium0 mg
Total Fat0 gPotassium0 mg
Saturated0 gTotal Carbs23 g
Polyunsaturated0 gDietary Fiber3 g
Monounsaturated0 gSugars4 g
Trans0 gProtein0 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Vitamin A0%Calcium0%
Vitamin C0%Iron0%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Flour-Less Brownies!!!

Ok, so for when you have a sweet craving but, don't want to mess up too bad, here is the BEST FLOUR-LESS BROWNIES and only 155 calories!!! You are going to love them.

Yield: 20 Servings

Ingredients :

2-15.5oz cans of black beans, rinsed and drained
6 T butter, softened
1/2 C cocoa powder
1 t salt
2 t vanilla extract
2 C granulated sugar
1 C milk chocolate chips
1/4 C chopped walnuts (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Lightly grease a 9x13 baking dish
3. In a large blender or food processor, blend together the rinsed and drained black beans and eggs until smooth.
4. Add reminder ingredients but, walnuts.
5. Blend until smooth.
6. Pour into greased baking dish.
7. Sprinkle with walnuts and stir lightly.
8. Bake for 35 minutes or when you center a toothpick and it comes out with moist but not gooey.

I used Great Value brand, here are the Nutrition Facts per serving:

Calories: 155
Carbs: 15g
Fat: 10g
Protein: 4g
Sodium: 71g
Sugar: 10g


Things That Drives Me

I know this might, or might not, sound weird but, I have learned that while I am in the process of losing weight and/or exercise, you know when I make the decision to take control of my health, it is easier to do the things that I planned to do reading a book that is related  to the matter. I love Zonya Foco's novel Water with Lemon and Chris Powell's Choose to Lose: The 7-Day Carb Cycle Solution. 
While I'm waiting at the checkout line I like to read magazines (not really, I like to imagined my body transformed into the pictures that are in the magazine).
Anyways, I do better with my commitment reading about the subject. Somehow what I'm reading keeps me in tract and motives me.

While I train in the treadmill I like watching TV shows like The Biggest Loser & Home Makeover: Extreme Weight Loss Edition or infomercials like Insanity, P90X, etc, and watching sports events, they all give me that extra push that I need to run longer and faster.

The Plan: About Weigh-In & Measurements

where do I buy that mirror or can I have her  self-esteem?

I can go on without weighing myself EVERY SINGLE DAY, I guess I like to be torture.

The Plan:
1.  Do a weekly weigh-in on Mondays, I used to do it on Saturdays but, due to past mistakes I am changing it to Mondays.
     Saturday Mistake: After seeing beautiful numbers on Saturdays, I went over board on Sundays (day off). I over indulge myself and ruined a great week of hard work in one day. My hypothesis is that if I weigh-in on Mondays I will be more careful on Sundays, it makes sense right?

2. Take monthly measures of:

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Right Thigh
  • Left Thigh
  • Right Calf
  • Left Calf
  • Right Arm
  • Left Arm


The Plan: About Food Intake

According to My Fitness Pal
my fitness goals
I need to consume 1,200 calories a day and burn 182 calories a day (thats about 7 minutes on the treadmill) to lose 1.8 lbs a week. Sounds easy right?!  So how is it that I done get it done carajo*??!!! 

Because I get lazy and sloppy and I might love to sabotage myself considering that I keep stoping and starting ALL THE TIME!

Anyways, I read somewhere on the net, and it wasn't My Fitness Pal,  that it doesn't matter what you eat, if you stay within your daily calorie intake you will still lose weight, why do I like this statement? Because I don't like feeling deprived from food. I love food and I love eating. I can't never do, neither I want to do a all-liquid diet or so famous cleansed. I need to feel food in my mouth, I need to chew food!!

The Plan:

1. I am going to stay within the 1,200 calories a day. I don't like counting or adding or tracking but, I know that people who keep a food journal are more successful on losing weight PLUS it helps me later on, especially when I have fallen off the wagon, I can easily go back and see what foods have helped me and I can get back on track

2. I am going to follow Chris Powell's 7 day carb-cycle because I know that it works

3. I will take the pleasure of creating flavorful and delicious recipes and post them here

4. I will drink, drink and drink lots of water, at least 1.25 gallon a day

5. I will eat every 3 hours-speeds up metabolism- and I will stop eating 3 hours before going to bed, it will make me hungry making my body to use more stored fat and by breakfast time I will be a BURNING MACHINE!!!

6. Buy lots of veggies and fruits and have them ALWAYS in stock (they are quick perfect snacks) 

*in this case: for heavens sake.

The Plan: About Exercise

Ok, so I know for fact that if I don't plan for what I want to accomplish I automatically fail. So I need to have a plan for the exercise part of my goal: Lose Weight and Get Fit.

I also know that I need to get my whatever workout in early in the morning for the following reasons:

1. I get it out of the way early and I don't have to be thinking ALL DAY LONG that I HAVE TO DO IT!

2. I like getting ready early-showered, hair & makeup done- for the rest of the day

3. When I postpone the workout for "later", 99.9% of the times I don't do it

4. I hate seeing woman wearing their sweat clothes, especially their sweat pants on public besides the gym and I don't go to the gym, so please take them off before going some other place than the gym!!!

5. Helps me to stay in track for the rest of the day meaning that I am more conscious on how and what I eat, puts me on the: Do I really want to waste those precious calories on this? I DON'T THINK SO mode.

6. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the high I get from exercising

7. I also LOVE concentrating on what I am feeling while exercising, you know, like when you do squads and you concentrate on your thighs and derriere and you imagine how you are sculpting them, AWESOME (said on Oprah's tone).

So here is the plan:

1. Workout early in the morning, preferably at 5:30am, from Mondays through Saturdays, I will take Sundays off form EVERYTHING!

2. Do 30 minutes of HIIT cardio Mondays through Saturdays (High Intensity Interval Training)

3. Do strength training on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
I will do Chris Powell's push-ups/squads/sit-ups combinations and I might throw in some Jillian Michael's Shred in 30 and Ripped in 30
sweat it out baby!

The Importance of Body Hydration

Drinking water is a PLUS in weight loss. Since we were kids we heard we needed to drink 8 cups of water a day.  Since then, things have changed and the number of drinking cups too. To keep your body hydrated it is as simple as diving your weight -in pounds- in half , the result is the amount of ounces we should drink.

Example: I weigh 168 pounds 
168/2 = 84
meaning that I need to drink 88 ounces (about 10 1/2 cups) to keep my body hydrated.

One nice tip:
our internal body temperature is 98 degrees Fahrenheit, when we drink cold water, our metabolism has to work, in other words, our body has to use/burn calories, using approximately 8 calories, to heat up the cold water,  helping us to lose weight. 

When we exercise, we need to increase the consumption of liquids. It is recommended to drink 8 ounces of water/liquids per every 15 minutes of exercise.
So go ahead and drink up!!